Frequently Asked Questions
What were the eligibility criteria for a beer?
For a beer to qualify, it must have received at least 50 check-ins from 50 unique Untappd community members in 2023.
How were ratings for each beer determined?
Beers were ranked according to their average rating from check-ins with ratings in the calendar year 2023. For the purposes of the Untappd Community Awards, these ratings are static and will not change with deleted or edited check-ins. The date a beer was brewed or released was not a factor. We counted the last check-in from each user who checked in the beer in 2023. If you rated a given beer 10 times in 2023, only your final check-in with a rating counted. For a beer to qualify, it must have received at least 50 check-ins from 50 unique Untappd community members in 2023. Beers qualified based on the location of the brewery’s primary location and not the location of the check-ins, user, etc.
I tabulated a beer’s average manually, and it is higher than award-winning beers. Why was that beer not included?
Many Untappd user accounts are set to private. These check-ins are not visible by scrolling the in-app feeds but were included for the purposes of our ratings. It is impossible to reconstruct an accurate average 2023 rating without full access to our database. Our Untappd Insights data team has verified the accuracy of the award winners.
What were the eligibility criteria for a brewery?
For a brewery’s beers to be eligible, the brewery must be a commercial brewery. Homebrewed beers were not considered.
How were the substyles determined?
By substyles in the Untappd app. Untappd substyles were inspired by the BJCP’s styles and updated at least bi-annually based on votes from Untappd’s global team of moderators.
How are substyles assigned to beers?
Breweries can associate their beers with the appropriate substyle when they add them via the Claimed Brewery portal. Our global team of Untappd Moderators also helps ensure accuracy.
How were the award geographies selected?
For 2023, we recognized award winners for qualifying substyles for all 50 U.S. states as well as the 50 countries (including the U.S.) with the most check-ins from 2023.
Why were awards given for a certain substyle in one geography but not another?
For a substyle to qualify for Community Awards, there must have been at least 3 qualifying beers in the substyle in the selected geography in 2023.
Did any brewers receive preferential treatment?
No. These awards are based solely on the ratings of our amazing community of 11 million+ Untappd users!
Were these awards pay-to-play?
No. Brewers did not have to pay any entry fee for their beers to be considered. All beers meeting the eligibility criteria outlined above were able to receive awards, and only ratings from Untappd users were factored into the awards.
Did a beer have to be brewed or released in 2023 to be eligible?
No. All beers that met the beer qualification criteria for the number of check-ins from unique users outlined above were eligible.
What measures are in place to ensure fairness and accuracy in the rating system?
There are measures in-place to filter out check-ins from bots, fraudulent check-ins, and other illegitimate check-in sources. Additionally, by counting only one check-in per unique user, we ensured no individual unfairly influenced a beer’s average rating.
How are ties resolved in the awards program?
Surprisingly, by including three decimal places, there were no ties. For future years, our tie-breaking criteria will be most overall unique check-ins in the award year.
My beer won an award! How do I share the news?
Winners are encouraged to share their awards across various social media platforms by using the share buttons associated with each network. Visit the list of award winners, select the beer, and then choose the social network to share the award. Awards can also be downloaded as a customized image which can be shared manually to any social network like Instagram, included in emails, or downloaded and printed to display at your brewery!
How can I sponsor a geography for next year’s Untappd Community Awards?
Contact us at [email protected] (no “m”, just .co!) and we’ll be in touch!
Why does the rating for beers receiving awards not match their rating on Untappd?
Ratings for awards are based on an average of the last check-in for each unique user who checked into a given beer in 2023. Ratings displayed on or the Untappd app represent all-time check-ins for a beer. Read more about Untappd ratings here.
Where can I find a full list of winning beers?
Award recipients by geography and substyle can be found at Press and researchers can apply for access to the full 2023 dataset for qualified projects by contacting [email protected]